Connecticut Green Bank

Issuer Overview
Connecticut Green Bank

Issuer Type: State / Province

Issuer Overview
Connecticut Green Bank

Issuer Type: State / Province

Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

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We appreciate your interest in Connecticut Green Bank's Green Liberty Bonds, which will support critical investment in clean energy and energy efficiency projects and infrastructure throughout the State.

Through sold-out bond issuances in 2020 and 2021, the Green Bank issued more than $80 million in verified climate bonds to support residential solar PV and energy efficiency in Connecticut. With priority given to retail investors, the Green Liberty Bonds are helping the Connecticut Green Bank energize the green economy and confront climate change to provide all of society a healthier and more prosperous future. We are proudly empowering more people to support our transition to a zero carbon economy – creating the sustainable future and modern infrastructure we want to see in our society.

Through our quarterly issuances of Green Liberty Notes, we are raising capital to allow everyday investors a chance to take part in its work to grow the green economy in Connecticut. Investments in this offering support the Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA) program. The SBEA program enables small business, municipal and state customers to reduce their energy costs by making energy efficiency upgrades in their offices, shops, restaurants, and factories, using zero interest loans. Participants in the SBEA program can borrow up to $100,000 for commercial and industrial customers or $500,000 for municipalities, and repay their financing on their electric bills.

Please sign up for notifications about future issuances. Together, we can achieve another order of magnitude of investment in Connecticut’s green economy and unite in support of our clean energy future!

Bryan Garcia, President and CEO